
You have all the questions and there’s only so much you can learn from Reels and TikTok.

Being a military spouse, I’m quite privy to restarting my business in new places and building it from the ground up. This business is tough work!

Whether you’re new to this whole photography thing and are looking to grasp the basics or you’ve been in the game a while and are looking for a way to refine your skills and dive deeper, my heart is to help you achieve your goals and do more of what you love.

Photography educator Grace Ellenberg sits in a chair smiling while hugging her knee after providing Photography Mentorships
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A couple in jeans walks through a studio holding hands during Photography Mentorships

Coffee or zoom date!

1-2 hours of us grabbing coffee or chatting over Zoom to cover anything and everything you’d like face to face.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

Client experience & communication
Lighting + shooting tips
Posing prompts 
Editing + using Lightroom & Photoshop
Workflow + organization 
Booking your ideal clients
Finding your niche & personal style



Spend the day!

What better way to learn than getting watch firsthand! This 4 hour mentorship includes an hour of us shooting a session of your choice, an hour planning session, and dinner on me afterwards to answer any questions you may have!

You’ll be able to:

Learn and shoot beside me
Ask questions during the shoot
Work through different posing and prompting
Chat lighting, composition, & camera settings
Take your own personal photos for portfolio


A man climbs on a small airplane to refuel with a woman under the wing
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A man in a blue shirt leads his partner through a pasture at sunset in a white dress after Photography Mentorships

Session tag along

Follow me along at any regular session of your choice!

You’ll be able to:

Watch how I interact with clients
See how I pose/prompt

This mentorship differs from the spend the day in that you are an observer at this real life session and will not be allowed to photograph. Does not include content for your portfolio.



Mentorship Add ons

Editing Session | $200

If Lightroom completely terrifies and overwhelms you, this one is for you! We’ll edit through 10-20 of your raw images to achieve the look you want and talk about how to keep a consistent editing style throughout your galleries.

Social Media Breakdown | $150

This session is for anyone struggling to grow on social media and market themselves effectively. I'll tell you everything I know about how to improve your social media + marketing strategies.

A man kisses his wife on the cheek while holding her cheek
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Grace Ellenberg smiling and laughing with her camera by a helicopter after providing Photography Mentorships

Book a Mentorship
Session with Me!